List Subjects for a Specific Stream in JetStream
All clients have a way to get the list of subjects for any given stream, except it’s not completely obvious how to do this. These examples will show you how to get the list of subjects.
$ nbe run jetstream/list-subjects/csharpView the source code or learn how to run this example yourself
using NATS.Client.Core;
using NATS.Client.JetStream;
using NATS.Client.JetStream.Models;
environment variable can be used to pass the locations of the NATS servers.
var url = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NATS_URL") ?? "";
Connect to NATS server. Since connection is disposable at the end of our scope we should flush our buffers and close connection cleanly.
var opts = new NatsOpts
Url = url,
Name = "NATS-by-Example",
await using var nats = new NatsConnection(opts);
var js = new NatsJSContext(nats);
Stream Setup
var stream = "list-subjects";
Remove the stream first!, so we have a clean starting point.
await js.DeleteStreamAsync(stream);
catch (NatsJSApiException e) when (e is { Error.Code: 404 })
Create the stream with a variety of subjects
var streamConfig = new StreamConfig(stream, ["plain", "greater.>", "star.*"])
Storage = StreamConfigStorage.Memory,
await js.CreateStreamAsync(streamConfig);
GetStreamAsync with StreamInfoRequest
You can get the subjects of a stream via the GetStreamAsync call. Since this is “state” a subject is not in the state unless there are messages in the subject. To get the subjects map, you must provide a SubjectsFilter Use the > to filter for all subjects
var jsStream = await js.GetStreamAsync(stream, new StreamInfoRequest() { SubjectsFilter = ">" });
Console.WriteLine($"Before publishing any messages, there are 0 subjects: {jsStream.Info.State.Subjects?.Count}");
Publish a message
await js.PublishAsync("plain", "plain-data");
Stream Info contains State, which contains a map, Subjects, of subjects to their count but the server only collects and returns that information if StreamInfoRequest is present with a non-empty subject filter. To get all subjects, set the filter to >
jsStream = await js.GetStreamAsync(stream, new StreamInfoRequest() { SubjectsFilter = ">" });
Console.WriteLine("After publishing a message to a subject, it appears in state:");
if (jsStream.Info.State.Subjects != null)
foreach (var (subject, count) in jsStream.Info.State.Subjects)
Console.WriteLine($" Subject '{subject}' has {count} message(s)");
Publish some more messages, this time against wildcard subjects
await js.PublishAsync("greater.A", "gtA-1");
await js.PublishAsync("greater.A", "gtA-2");
await js.PublishAsync("greater.A.B", "gtAB-1");
await js.PublishAsync("greater.A.B", "gtAB-2");
await js.PublishAsync("greater.A.B.C", "gtABC");
await js.PublishAsync("greater.B.B.B", "gtBBB");
await js.PublishAsync("star.1", "star1-1");
await js.PublishAsync("star.1", "star1-2");
await js.PublishAsync("star.2", "star2");
jsStream = await js.GetStreamAsync(stream, new StreamInfoRequest() { SubjectsFilter = ">" });
Console.WriteLine("Wildcard subjects show the actual subject, not the template:");
if (jsStream.Info.State.Subjects != null)
foreach (var (subject, count) in jsStream.Info.State.Subjects)
Console.WriteLine($" Subject '{subject}' has {count} message(s)");
Specific Subject Filtering
You can filter for a more specific subject
jsStream = await js.GetStreamAsync(stream, new StreamInfoRequest() { SubjectsFilter = "greater.>" });
Console.WriteLine("Filtering the subject returns only matching entries ['greater.>']");
if (jsStream.Info.State.Subjects != null)
foreach (var (subject, count) in jsStream.Info.State.Subjects)
Console.WriteLine($" Subject '{subject}' has {count} message(s)");
jsStream = await js.GetStreamAsync(stream, new StreamInfoRequest() { SubjectsFilter = "greater.A.>" });
Console.WriteLine("Filtering the subject returns only matching entries ['greater.A.>']");
if (jsStream.Info.State.Subjects != null)
foreach (var (subject, count) in jsStream.Info.State.Subjects)
Console.WriteLine($" Subject '{subject}' has {count} message(s)");
Before publishing any messages, there are 0 subjects: After publishing a message to a subject, it appears in state: Subject 'plain' has 1 message(s) Wildcard subjects show the actual subject, not the template: Subject 'greater.A' has 2 message(s) Subject 'greater.A.B' has 2 message(s) Subject 'greater.A.B.C' has 1 message(s) Subject 'greater.B.B.B' has 1 message(s) Subject 'plain' has 1 message(s) Subject 'star.1' has 2 message(s) Subject 'star.2' has 1 message(s) Filtering the subject returns only matching entries ['greater.>'] Subject 'greater.A' has 2 message(s) Subject 'greater.A.B' has 2 message(s) Subject 'greater.A.B.C' has 1 message(s) Subject 'greater.B.B.B' has 1 message(s) Filtering the subject returns only matching entries ['greater.A.>'] Subject 'greater.A.B' has 2 message(s) Subject 'greater.A.B.C' has 1 message(s)
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